Viking Keegan Dedication Song

To the tune of the Viking Birthday Song
(that's the Volga Boat Song, Volga Boatmen's Song, whatever)
Dec. 15th, 1995

Happy Keeganing Day, UHH!
Happy Keeganing Day, UHH!

May the ministers who bless
You, not spill things on your dress.
(We have a wonderful silk heirloom ceremonial gown)

May the singers of your song
Sing real loud but not too long.
(One of the ministers wrote Keegan a lovely lullaby)

Like us, now you're a UU
What that means you've not a clue.

You're a Unitarian,
God, at most, is only one!

You're a Universalist,
There's no hell, but only bliss.

Oh, your parents love you so,
Amen, Blessed be, and HO!

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